Sweetpotato Levy

In Australia the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment collects, administers and disburses agricultural levies and charges on behalf of Australia’s primary industries.

The sweetpotatoes levy and charge was first introduced 1 March 1996. Sweetpotatoes that are produced in Australia and sold by the producer attract a levy or charge on the retail sale price.

The sweetpotatoes levy and charge rate comprises Plant Health Australia levy 0.015%, Research and Development (R&D) levy of 0.485%. and a marketing levy (introduced 1 January 2016) of 1%. Total levy charge 1.5%.

Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited and Plant Health Australia (PHA) are responsible for the expenditure of the sweetpotato levy. Both organisations work closely with the Sweetpotato industry to invest the levies.

For information on how the sweetpotato funds are spent in Hort Innovation click on https://www.horticulture.com.au/growers/sweetpotato-fund/

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